Friday, September 30, 2011


So... you've heard me say that I teach gym to second grade for one of my classes. 
For this class, we have to videotape ourselves teaching and then code the tape on a computer. 
Today, I was in the computer lab trying to code my video. I was asking like 5 different people why it wasn't working and it wouldn't code and I was in a hurry and frustrated. 
Then I tried again and realised... 

I hadn't plugged the dang camera into the computer. 

We all had a good laugh at me.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Taylor Swift= AWESOME! :)

Who: Natalie Reynolds, Taylor Swift, Me, and 20,000 others :) 
What: Concert 
When: September 28, 2011 
Where: Energy Solutions Arena 
Why: Cause it was AWESOME! 

Best. Concert. Ever. 


Monday, September 26, 2011

Life. Is. Good.

I love this poem:
I am thankful…
For The Mess To Clean After A Party Because It Means I Have Been Surrounded By Friends.
For The Clothes That Fit A Little Too Snug Because It Means I Have Enough To Eat.
For My Shadow That Watches Me Work Because It Means I Am Out In The Sunshine
For A Lawn That Needs Mowing, Windows That Need Cleaning, And Gutters That Need Fixing Because It Means I Have A Home.
For The Teenager Who Is Complaining About Doing Dishes Because It Means She Is At Home, Not On The Streets.
For The Taxes I Pay Because It Means I Am Employed.
For All The Complaining I Hear About The Government Because It Means We Have Freedom Of Speech.
For The Parking Spot I Find At The Far End Of The Parking Lot Because It Means I Am Capable Of Walking And I Have Been Blessed With Transportation.
For My Huge Heating Bill Because It Means I Am Warm.
For The Lady Behind Me In Church Who Sings Off Key Because It Means I Can Hear.
For The Pile Of Laundry And Ironing Because It Means I Have Clothes To Wear.
For Weariness And Aching Muscles At The End Of The Day Because It Means I Have Been Capable Of Working Hard.
Finally, For Too Much E-Mail Because It Means I Have Friends Who Are Thinking Of Me.
For The Alarm That Goes Off In The Early Morning Hours Because It Means I Am Alive."

Life is good today in my corner of the universe.
I love Fall.
I love school.
I love my Family. 
I love my friends. 
I love the opportunity I have to get an education. 
I am grateful for my health. 
I am grateful for the sunshine. 
I am grateful for my roommates. 
I am grateful to live in this country. 
I am grateful to have the gospel in my life. 
I am grateful for food on the table. 
I am grateful for a place to live.
Sometimes I forget these things, but when I see people who don't.... I stop and think...
What could I ever have to complain about?

 Absolutely Nothing.

 Heavenly Father is so good to me. And I don't deserve it. Sometimes (more often than not) I forget to thank God for these things in my life. Today I will not. 


Releif Society Broadcast :)

This year's Relief Society broadcast on Saturday night was incredible. This is JUST what I needed to hear. I especially loved Elder Uchdorf's talk. It was incredible. 

Sisters, wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love.
—President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Here's a link to the rest of the broadcast. May we all study the principles taught and apply them in our lives.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

A-Z of Jenny

Just taking a break from homework on this lovely Saturday morning and I am shamelessly stealing this from a friends blog. :)
Age: 19
Bedsize: Twin
Chores that you hate: Cleaning our WHITE kitchen floor that gets dirty every single day. It's ridiculous. 
Dogs: puppies, please :)
Essential start to your day: Cereal and yogurt :) 
Favorite color: Uh.. rainbow. I love them all
Gold or Silver: Silver
Height: Not sure? Somewhere around five foot. 
Instruments you play: the piano..and a couple songs on the organ.
Job title: Teachers Assistant 
Kids: none
Live: Provo, Utah 
Mother’s Name: Teri Lynn
Nicknames: Lil Jen 
Overnight hospital stays: Birth..
Pet peeves: Rudeness

Quote from TV show: "Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh I donno, I sing in the shower? Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me-- no, don't sue me. That is opposite the point I'm trying to make" -Michael Scott, The Office 

Right or Lefty: right-handed
Siblings: 4 Brothers, 2 Sisters in Law
Time you wake up: Usually around 7.. ugh... 
Underwear: uh, yes…?
Vegetable you hate: Alot of them. See 
What makes you run late: Walking too slow 
X-Rays You’ve Had: At the dentist, broken arm, (on a trampoline in Kindergarden) leg, (On my cousins tramp when I was 10) and wrist (Slipped on ice outside my building last semester)

Yummy food you make: Honey Lime Enchiladas, Brownies and Cookies
Zoo Animal: Baby monkeys. So cute :) 


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Adopt a Grandparent

I am doing Adopt a Grandparent through BYU's Y Serve office.

I went for the first time on Sunday to visit my care center I was assigned to and it was awesome.

Besides the sweet woman who asked me every five minutes if I went to BYU,

and the woman who repeatedly asked the Baptist choir to sing "Give Said the Little Stream"

and the woman who told them they were singing was too loud,

and the woman who couldn't remember how many children she had,

and the woman who told me she was 125 years old,

I met a sweet man who told me of his life.
I believe we have such incredible lessons to learn from people who have experienced so much life.
He told me he was married in the temple, and was married for 62 years before his wife passed away.
I asked him how you make a marriage last that long.
He paused, and thought for a minute. Then he gave me this advise.

"Always be the first to say your sorry"


Monday, September 19, 2011

Jimmer= My BFF.

So yesterday we were walking out of church. 
Heather:"Uh.. ya but that's JIMMER beside her"
Me:" AHHH!!! " (Trying to be quiet)
Heather and I: Creepily walk behind him up the stairs. 
Jimmer: Opens our door on the way out. Nonchalant. 
Heather and I: "(Giggling).... Thanks"

My brother: Hey, he's not married yet. 
Me: Ya, he'd make a good Brother in Law, right? 
My Brother: Ya, he'd be the one person who MAYBE could take me in Basketball.  


Holy War.

I was witness to the Holy War Saturday Night.
It definitely was a war.
And we got killed.
But we still had fun. :)
Despite the taunting texts of my brothers throughout the entire game. Rude.
They were just jealous they weren't there.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September morn?

Today it has been ten years since September 11, 2001.
I can't believe it has been that long. 

I will always remember. America will never be the same. 

I was in Canada, going to second grade at Wye Elementary School. My Mom had taught seminary that morning and the janitor had told her that a building in America was being attacked. She thought he was joking, but she went home to check the news and found it was true. I was on my way out the door to school, walked in the living room and saw the second tower fall on the news. My 9 year old mind could only think of it being an accident. It was a very sad thing. I didn't really understand the implications of what was going on. We watched the news all day long at school. When I got home my parents explained to me that this was because someone was trying to hurt America, and it wasn't an accident. That was hard to wrap my brain around. And I was very sad and angry to think that someone would do that. Some of the kids at school were teasing me for being an American. This is a picture of the sign I made, I went home and made this and put it on my bedroom door. 

God. Bless. America.
May we never forget the brave men and women who gave their lives saving others on United F93 and all of the other innocent ones who died that day. 
I haven't forgotten. 


Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Weekend (minus pictures)

So my camera decided to break the other day. Who said it could do that?! Not me. Rude
So I'll have to tell you about my weekend.. minus pictures. :( 
On Friday, we went to Fall Festival on campus, it was so much fun! 
Ashley and Heather and I got free J-Dawgs ( YUM!) 
and watched Humor U ( one of the stand up comedy groups on campus) 
It was hilarious. Loved it. 
Then we went over to the dance that was going on at King Henry. That was fun too. 
On Saturday night I went to the Cocoa Bean with my old roommates. 
It was so good to catch up with them, and the cocoa bean was amazing. 
Can't believe I haven't been there yet. It was to die for. I feel like this could become a very bad thing. 

Also... Jamie and I really wanted the cute shirts they had, but didn't want to spend money.
I asked her if her birthday was coming up.. it wasn't. Neither was mine......
So we decided... since we didn't know each other on our birthdays 
We would buy each other birthday presents :)  Ha ha ha. So we got shirts for our birthdays. 
Then I taught the lesson in Relief Society. On the Law of Chastity. Thanks to Heather. It was good though. 


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday.. ings

Looking: forward to going to TAYLOR SWIFT on the 28th! AH!
Craving: Mexican food
Wondering: What I'm going to do while I wait for the Students for International Development Opening Social that is not for two hours...
Enjoying: my Intro to International Development class
Hurting: My back
Missing: Brother in Brazil. Also Sister Camila Enestrom
Anticipating: Cruise in December! Can. Not. Wait.
Fearing: Teaching my first gym class. To real kids. A real class. Me? Woah. Next Wednesday
Listening: The Beatles
Teaching: Relief society lesson on Sunday. The Law of Chastity. Bring it on.
Finishing: Homework.. always
Wishing: I could convert and marry Taylor Lautner. No big deal.
Loving: Being a TA! It's the best. I love getting paid to go to religion classes

Sunday, September 4, 2011


" People usually consider walking on water or thin air a miracle. 
But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, 
but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle 
which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, 
the black curious eyes of a child, our own two eyes-- all is a miracle "

-Thich Nhat Nanh 


My Obsessions

 Christmas (Especially the Music)

All things Disney 



My mom's cooking. SOOO good. 

 Michael Buble 

Country Music especially Taylor Swift (It started in Nashville, Tennessee two summers ago.)

Snow Globes.. I collect them 

My nieces and nephew. Cuter than yours. 


Friday, September 2, 2011

Thought of the day

The other day, my friend Ashley and I were talking and she was saying how one of her professors was mentioning how he gets annoyed when Returned Missionaries say that their mission was their "Best Two Years" because that's not how Heavenly Father wants it to be. Heavenly Father didn't design our lives to peak at age 19, or 21 and then go downhill from there. It's only supposed to get BETTER! This life really is  short. Time flies so quickly. This life is just a small moment of eternity. We only have now.
So my goal is to make every year better than the last,
every week better than the last,
and be a better me every day


I just love Fall. 
I love a new school year.
I love bonfires and starry nights.
I love the opportunity to start over, a clean slate.
I love when the weather starts to finally cool down.
I love meeting all new people. 
I love Halloween.
I love the fact that the Holiday Season is just around the corner. 
I love getting excited about Football Games. 
Fall just may be my favorite time of year. 
