Today it has been ten years since September 11, 2001.
I can't believe it has been that long.
I can't believe it has been that long.
I will always remember. America will never be the same.
I was in Canada, going to second grade at Wye Elementary School. My Mom had taught seminary that morning and the janitor had told her that a building in America was being attacked. She thought he was joking, but she went home to check the news and found it was true. I was on my way out the door to school, walked in the living room and saw the second tower fall on the news. My 9 year old mind could only think of it being an accident. It was a very sad thing. I didn't really understand the implications of what was going on. We watched the news all day long at school. When I got home my parents explained to me that this was because someone was trying to hurt America, and it wasn't an accident. That was hard to wrap my brain around. And I was very sad and angry to think that someone would do that. Some of the kids at school were teasing me for being an American. This is a picture of the sign I made, I went home and made this and put it on my bedroom door.
God. Bless. America.
May we never forget the brave men and women who gave their lives saving others on United F93 and all of the other innocent ones who died that day.
I haven't forgotten.

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