Monday, October 24, 2011

Michael Buble+ Christmas= LOVE.

I love Michael Buble.
I love Christmas.
Michael Buble came out with a new Christmas Album today.
Pretty sure my life is complete and it's the greatest thing ever
Go listen to it.


Sunday, October 23, 2011


This week was filled with.. 
  • Dollar Movie with Friends! 
    • P.S ( I was NOT a fan of Crazy, Stupid Love. It was just that, stupid. Don't see it. )
  • Going to Lowe's Extreme Air Sports and realizing how NON athletic I am 
  • Taking 3 Midterms! Whew. Glad to be done.
  • Discovering Mindy Glendhill's music and being obsessed with her Anchor album
  • Babysitting my neice and nephew and hanging out with Mom
  • Girls Night Out at Chile's
  • Football Game! We killed em. Go BYU. 
  • Giving a talk in church and laughing at Mark who was making faces at me in the front row. Rude. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nature Walk in Provo Canyon

Today we went on a Nature Walk in Provo Canyon and it was so fun!
The weather was perfect, it was a BEAUTIFUL Fall day.
And we met new friends.. mostly mountain goats.

Mountain Goats! So Cool! We were super close to them 

Heather and I climbed up here this summer! This is our victory picture. 


True Blue

This is a homecoming tradition at BYU....

So Fun!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dear Sleep..

Can we be friends please?
I really do love you alot. 
You make me happy.
I always seem to want you, but when I’m ready for you, you don't come! 
Sometimes, when I don’t want you, you sneak up on me.
Especially when I'm in class

 I don't appreciate this. 

I really wish we could arrange our visits on a more consistent schedule.
Maybe if I make more time for you you will be easier to find? 
Let's make up. 
See ya soon! 
How about tonight?
K thanks. 


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why I want to be a Teacher

I have always loved Matilda and ever since I was little I have idolized Miss Honey and wanted to be like her :)
I have as long as I can remember wanted to be a teacher, even in Elementary School.
I'm one of those lucky people who has always known what they wanted to be.
I have always loved kids, working with kids, helping them grow and learn.
It's incredibly rewarding and I'm so excited for the opportunity to do that as a career!
I'm starting to have classroom experience, and next semester I'll have even more and that makes me so happy!

"“I think it must be apparent to every thinking mind that the noblest of all professions is that of teaching, and that upon the effectiveness of that teaching hangs the destiny of nations.”
David O. McKay

Monday, October 10, 2011

This weekend in pictures

BYU Homecoming Parade on a cold, rainy, October morning 

Bjork is lovely :) 

My hair is.. gone? 

There it is. 

Cute Roomies :) 

Free Pancakes.. YUM!

She won the Dance Contest so she got the first pancakes 

Dancing to keep warm 

Cute Little Boy

President Samuelson 


Homecoming Football Game!

Trying to be scary.. Failing.

Sunday we drove out to the Provo Tabernacle that is being made into a Temple!

I love this little sign :) 
