Friday, February 25, 2011

Merry Christmas?

Ok.. I know I wrote about Spring Fever a few days ago... but this morning I woke up to 
What is this?! It hasn't snowed for weeks?!

In other news, my History of Jazz Music class is taking over my life. This week we have 2 tests, a listening exam for which we have 13 songs that we have to know the year they were written, the band leader, the style, the characteristics, and all of the soloists in the song. We also have a written exam to. so two tests. And this unit is all swing songs and they all sound the same! It's crazy! 
We also have to go to 4 Jazz Concerts, and it's Jazz week at BYU and so basically ALL of the concerts are this week! It's going to be crazy. or.. I'm going to be crazy. Here's one of the songs!

Wish me luck!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Crazy Day!

Ok whose idea was it to have Monday classes on a Tuesday? I would like to have a word with them.

I started off the day sleeping though my alarm and Heather woke me up 15 minutes before I was supposed to leave.
Then I had class at 9, 10, 11, 12.
We had a quiz due in Book of Mormon that I forgot on my desk beause I was in such a hurry, so I had to leave my 12:00 class early to take the bus back to Wyview to get it.
Then... I ran to the apartment, caught the bus back, walked to the Joseph Smith Building, and then walked across campus to work (got there a few minutes late.)
Then, work from 2-6, but I left early because I had to make it to a test review at 6:00. Barely made it on time, then sat in the test review for two hours from 6-8.
Needless to say, I am exhausted.

No more Monday/Tuesday squished into one day! I don't like it.
I am now going to eat brownies and popcorn and take a hot shower. That sounds good :)


Weekend in Idaho!

I went home with my friend Ashley Bjorklund this weekend to Preston, Idaho for the three day weekend! It was fun :) We had a lot of adventures and ate lots of food.

Also.. we watched twelve movies in two days. Ha.
 It was wonderful to get a break from homework.

Us being way silly

Bjork's cute niece :)

Look at all of the deer outside her house! Wow!

At the Center Street Grill in Preston. It was sooo good

Preston High School! As in Napoleon Dynamite! :)

I was SUPER excited. I LOVE Napoleon Dynamite

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha! A funny sign in the Temple parking lot 

The Beautiful Logan Temple! :)

It was a very fun weekend of bonding and relaxing! Now back to reality... sign


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

So.. we didn't do much for Valentine's day. My roommates and I just ate lots of Chocolate and Ice Cream. And some men in our ward came and serenaded us at our door :) That was fun. They did it for everyone, but our song meant more. Obviously. And was for us.


Spring Fever!!!

This is serious. I have come down with something- and it's contagious. It's spreading across campus. 
Spring fever. 

I was just about to go out the door, when my roommate Heather said I should wear a jacket instead of a coat because it was warm outside. So I got my spring jacket that I've had for forever out and it made me feel like spring! 

Then... when we were walking to class felt the warm sun on my face- and the birds were singing and there was no more snow and it was GLORIOUS! I started skipping and singing- Heather didn't want to be seen with me. But I didn't care! :) She also kept telling me it's going to snow tomorrow. 
But I don't believe her. At least for one day- it was GLORIOUS and WARM! :) 
Go catch the fever. 


Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Future Husband

 I am writing a note to my future husband. I know this is sappy- but  it's Valentine's day, so.. I feel like I have a right.  

Dear future husband (Whoever you are) 

It's Valentine's day.. so I want you to know I love you. 
I know you are going to be so amazing, and do cute things for me for Valentine's day.
Including getting me flowers. (Hint hint) :)
We should get married in the Salt Lake Temple. I love it a lot. Oh and preferably could you propose in the winter so we can have a summer wedding and a reception in my parents backyard? K thanks.
 We are going to have red roses at our wedding. And have a chocolate fountain.
It will be a party. And there will be Michael Buble, and also a little country music.
P.S Could you wait to come around until right before I graduate? I need to finish school first. K thanks. 

Let's be cute old people and stroll through the park holding hands when we're old.
Still so in love.
Still fun and young at heart :] 

Love, Me


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Awesome Fireside!

Tonight we went to a stake fireside. It was sooo cool :) 
It was given by a Sister from South Africa who helped in the Translation of the Book of Mormon into an African "clicking" language. It was awesome! She said that she grew up in a white, well to do home and she spoke English, but the black servants in her house spoke the clicking language and she grew up learning both. Then she took classes in college on how to write in the clicking language. 
When she was in college, sister missionaries came to her door, she felt the spirit really strongly and she was converted. Then she served a mission to a different part of South Africa and helped start a branch there, and started translating a few things into the 'clicking" language. 
After her mission, when she was married with kids, the church asked if she would help translate the Book of Mormon into this language because they finally had enough members to do it. She didn't know if she would have time to do that, because she was taking care of her children. The church then paid for her friends to watch her children while she worked on the translation. During the translation she said she experienced three things 
1. Opposition! Her kids got really sick and one of her children almost passed away. Her friends almost stopped watching her kids because things kept happening to them and their families too! (one of their husbands got hit by semi)
2. She was able to understand the English words better than ever, and understand passages of scripture with a deep meaning and clarity that she had never had before. But if she ever got in an argument or lost the spirit, she couldn't do it anymore. 
3. She felt close to the writers of the Book of Mormon and felt their personalities. She felt she could tell who she was a "working for" (Alma, Mormon, Moroni) without even looking
This was an amazing fireside and an amazing story about persevering through trials and opposition in our lives.
"You are intelligent people. Just outsmart the devil when he tries to mess with you. Live as righteously as you can! Simple as that"


Thursday, February 10, 2011

A picture tells a thousand words

1. A picture of you in your room

2. A picture with your friends


3. A picture of you in Water

(Ok we aren't IN water, but we were SOAKED)

4. A picture of you in daylight

5. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form

6. A picture of you in one of your favorite outfits

Gotta love our Backstreet Boys Concert Tee Shirts :)

7. Picture of you making a goofy face at the camera

Ahhh yeah. Really attractive, I know

8. A picture of you eating


9. A picture of you truly being yourself


10. The most recent picture of you

Gotta love the 80's!

11. Picture of you being absolutely ridiculous

12. A picture of a time in your life that's over but you wish wasn't

I miss these girls like crazyyyy

13. A picture of a time in life that's over and you couldn't be more thankful it is


14. A picture of you when you were anything but happy

Saying goodbye :*(

15. A picture of you when you were nothing BUT happy

Graduation!! :)

16. A picture of you when you were a different person than you are now

Mini Me!

17. A picture with someone you love

Ashley Larsen. One of my favorite people on the planet. Also one of my very Best Friends.

18. Picture of how you'd like the world to see you

19. A picture of a time when everything was changing

FCCLA State!

20. A picture that makes your heart hurt

I miss my preschoolers <3

21. A picture that makes your heart smile

My Nephew. Cutest in the whole world :)

22. A picture of you in formal attire

23. A picture of you with makeup

Well.... I HAD make-up on

24. A picture that you had no idea was being taken

I love this picture and all the people in it :)

25. A picture you couldn't leave out

Ha.. it's hard climbing a tree in boots!!

26. A picture of just you


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Carl Bloch Exhibit!

This exhibit that is going on at BYU right now is INCREDIBLE.
Carl Bloch is a famous artist from Denmark in the 1800's who did paintings of Christ's life.
The church uses a lot of his paintings in their publications.
BYU paid to have a bunch of his artwork shipped over from Denmark to be on display at BYU!
The best part is you can go see these beautiful, historic paintings for free! What a great opportunity.
We went as an FHE group last night and it was incredible. The spirit there was so strong, and the paintings are so beautiful.

80's Dance!

My friends and I went to an 80's Dance on Friday February 4th. It was super fun! Loved it! I was definitely born in the wrong decade.

We had just as much fun taking pictures as we did at the dance :)

Did I mention I won second place in the Costume Contest? Cause I did.


Monday, February 7, 2011

My Favorite Things

So today I was looking at some of my friends blogs.. and I decided to start my own! I have been wanting to for a while. I have been a really good journal keeper for years, but I wanted to try something new for 2011, so here goes nothing! I will only get better with

Stay tuned :)

Here are some of my favorite things..and things that are really important to me

The gospel first and foremost!

My huge, silly, wonderful, loving, crazy, loud, fun, beautiful family!

My Friends! I have been blessed to be surrounded by good friends! These are the girls I grew up with. I love them with all my heart! :)

Brigham Young University. I feel so grateful to be able to attend BYU. It has been such a blessing in my life. I feel like all of my classes have been for me, and I have met so many incredible people here.

Country Music! I don't know what it is about country music... I never really liked it before I went to Nashville Tennessee two summers ago and I fell in love. I have been addicted ever since. My favorites are Taylor Swift, Zac Brown Band, and Rascal Flats

I LOVE Cheese-its... Don't ask why. I'm just obsessed. A little.

Also ANYTHING with Chocolate.

Kids! I love working with kids, being with kids, playing with kids, I act like a kid a lot, and I happen to be the size of a kid.

Oh.. everyone in this picture. I love them. All.

I love listening to my old music from when I was a kid. Backstreet Boys, N Sync, Britney Spears, Etc.

I love Micheal Buble! I have all of his music.. and I am obsessed. Love it.

I love being Canadian

Last but certainly not least, my parents. They are so incredible and have been so supportive of my dreams for my whole life. I wouldn't be here today without them.
They. Are. Incredible.

So.. that's me in a nutshell!
Much more to come :)
