Yesterday I had a sore throat and didn't feel good.
So I had some time.. (most of the day)....
to just lounge about and watch TV and spend some me time.
It was great. I think that everyone needs that sometimes.
To just be by yourself and reflect on your life, spirituality, and goals.
Self- Evaluation.
I feel like I'm doing great, but there is always room for improvement.
I'm going to narrow these down into steps to take for each goal.
I'm going to print them up on a fancy piece of paper and put it somewhere I will see them.
My Goals!
I am going to make some goals for myself.
I'm going to find somewhere to volunteer.
I'm going to spend more time at the library.
I'm going to eat healthier.
I'm going to live on a budget.
I'm going to get to know people in my ward.
I'm going to go on a date.
I'm going to workout three times a week.
I'm going to spend some quality time with the people that I love and care most about.
I'm going to make goals for my future.
I'm going to spend more me time.
I'm going to listen to uplifting music during the week, not just on Sundays.
I'm going to be more organized and clean my room.
I'm going to stop worrying about the big things, ( Marriage, Career, Mission, etc.) leave them up to God, and be happy and just live my life.
I'm going to make the choice to be happy every day :)